Saturday 31 December 2011

New year dawns..

hope you all had a good christmas/hanuka/quanza/festivus whatever.

Again another apology for lack of updates. this is down to 2 reasons;

First off my laptop melted, literaly. i smelt burning plastic and in the end i had to rip out the dvd drive and hd to get an old sony vaio working and its no where near up to the level my old one was and has little to no ram, so getting anything to run is near impossible.

Secondly and what is most important. My wife and i are now seperated. we had a really rough year due to stress and jobs and my anger problems and she is now living in her own house looking after our son. While i wish and prey every day that we get back together i spend most of my days in a depressed state unable to do anything. Serioulsy i spent 4 days in bed not eating or anything. At one point i was even suicidle but i've gotten past that.

So that why i havent updated in a while. I really miss my wife and son and cant wait for the day that we are reunited as a family.

So what does 2012 hold for ChronixStation? well im hoping to get a room mate in a few weeks. He's more of a geek than i am and is working on a review of his own so Proect Ragnarok is going to get bigger.
Im really adamant that at some point i will get my camera out and actually film an episode instead of mashing clips together. While i know that its not like this is going to be a carear or i'll get on if im going to be an internet reviewer im going to do it properly. I have ideas in my head fo reviews and specials. Im thinking of taking a page from Linkaras book and making my own "history of.." series based on Kamen Rider, we'll see.

So Happy New Year to you all, heres to putting things right and the world not ending in december!


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Neverwinter Nights - A Chronix Review

Here is a quick review of Neverwinter Nights, now if you'll excuse me i'm going back to play it!

intro music "this is me" by dammit jack (

Monday 10 October 2011

Twisted Metal 2 World Tour - PSX

First review on the playstaion. Sorry for the crap audio im stil getting the hang of it.

Thursday 6 October 2011

National Poetry Day

The Theme is "Games" thought i'd have a go:

the alien soldiers invade
and this i do not lie
no screw attack can save us now
with one hit we do die

no golden rings, our health is low
and not a racoon leaf in sight
no big daddy or master chief
to carry on the fight

we have only one more chance to win
to make them pay there dues
Billy knows the contra code
and has infinate continues

we make our way through smoke and fire
and levels of ice and rain
until finaly it's Dr Wily
and Eggman and mother brain

The battle was long, our fingers did burn
till the rise of the morning sun
when all we saw was Engrish galore
Congraguration You Wun!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Marko's Magic Football

Another quick review. This is the closest i'll do to a Footbal game.

Comments and sugestions welcome.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Was it really that bad? - McDonaldland\MC Kids - NES

2nd Episode of WIRTB and first game to star those Global Gladiators Mic and Mac! - AVGN

Thanks to for the game

Music "This is me" by Dammit Jack

Project Ragnarok 2011

Monday 19 September 2011

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children GBC - A Chronix Review

A Monster raising game for the Gameboy Colour released only in Japan.
Owned by Atlus

Intro "This is me" by Dammit Jack

Sorry if i got some of the names wrong. I dont speak Japanese and had to go on what i read online. I am learning though :)

Comments and suggestions welcome.

Friday 16 September 2011

Day of the Tentacle

Day of the Tentacle is a wacky, fun, time travelling point and click adventure. Its also my first full review.

All characters are owned by there creators.
Comments and sugestions are welcome bellow

Theme Song: "This is me" by Dammit Jack

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Was it really that bad? - Sonic 06

In this review i atempt to point out some of the good points of what is sometimes described as the worst sonic game around.

Inspired by the AVGN, Nostalgia Critic, The Spoony One and Linkara.

First video ive ever done, so please forgive any editing/sound problems. I made this in about a day you can proberbly tell. Feel free to post suggestions on how i can improve in the comments section below.

Friday 24 June 2011


So sorry for the lack of updates. Had a slight problem with my laptop hard drive deciding to die. Have since replaced it and should be up and running soon.
- chronix
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Tuesday 17 May 2011

Doctor Who - Blue Horizon Chapter 1

A While back I'd thought I'd have a go at writing some Doctor Who fan fiction. I wanted to do something different so i decided to choose the Rowan Atkinson Doctor from the comic relief special "Curse of Fatal Death". I wanted to see what it would have been like had the bbc chosen to make a series out of it so here it is. I kinda wrote the doctor as he was in the special but with added black adder wit (i hope so anyway). Heres the first chapter i dont know when i'll update it depends what people think and if i get time. Its a work in progress so be kind when reading/commenting.

Doctor Who
Blue Horizon

The Doctor sat in his chair reading his 900 year diary. Sitting in his TARDIS He looked over his lives with a smile. The adventure never seemed to stop, it was only recently that he was thought to be living his last regeneration, it was his first time as a woman. It was however a mistake on The Dalek's part. The blast from the ray should have killed him instead it sent his DNA into flux shifting through different bodies and personalities finally ending up as a tall blonde with a posh accent and a strange obsession with the 3rd setting on the sonic screwdriver. She then spent the next three weeks getting use to her new self when all of a sudden She switched back to his original form, Right in the middle of Suffragette movement in the late 1900's as well, that wasn't a pleasant afternoon at all. And to top it all off his assistant/no longer fiancé Emma decided to stay behind.

And so the Doctor, now back in his original form with his dark purple jacket, his patchwork shirt, his long neckerchief and a mole that looked like it had been out there on purpose, set off to discover new adventures through time.


“Hey there new fish!” said a rather tall man with blonde hair and 20th century style pilot sunglasses as the group of fresh prospectors stepped of the transport ship. “Welcome to Gateway, the fastest way to make yourself a small fortune and become famous... or die.” He had said that line hundreds of times, it allowed him to spot the wusses from the weirdos. Everyone on Gateway was considered weird to some degree, Why else would they spend every last penny they had to come to a place in the middle of deep space abandoned by its creators with every piece of shiny technology still in its proper place.

The man continued his introduction “My name is Thom and I'll be your trainer for the first few days on Gateway, I'll be showing you the ropes and making sure you know what your doing before you begin prospecting. Any questions?” no one ever asked questions he just threw it in to sound polite. He was about to start the tour when someone at the back raised there hand. “Er...Yes?” said Thom

A young woman came to the front of the group “Which direction is the Blue Hell bar?” she said. Thom looked through his roster to find her name, he smiled. “Ah your Robyn Parker I presume?”.

“Why Yes,” Said Robyn “How did you know?”

“I knew your father.” answers Thom. He then paused. Then changed the subject completely.

“Fantastic Idea! We still have nine hours before your first class begins.” he said jumping back into character “What better place to begin your new life on Gateway than the Blue Hell Bar? You'll be spending a lot of time here when your not on missions.” Thom then walked off telling the group to follow.

The TARDIS' engines grinned to a halt, the once booming noise slowed down to a quiet hum.

“Now lets see where you've taken me now, eh girl?” said The Doctor. He looked at the display.

“2150? Why have you brought me here?” he looked at the location “Gateway? Why does that name sound familiar?”

He rattled his brain for a few minutes and then decided to go out anyway on the grounds that I would probably come back to him soon. He approached the TARDIS door and paused to make sure he had everything; Coat, check. Packet of Jelly Babies, check. Sonic screwdriver, check. “Oh for Heavens sake, Let's just get on with it.” he said and opened the door.

It was pitch black. The only source of light was coming from the top of the TARDIS, and that didn't help much.

“Oh Goody! You have the means to transport me anywhere in time and space and you pick the darkest place in the known universe to park!” He paused again, he'd been a bit tetchy these last few nights. The lack of sleep and loss of his fiancĂ© left him with a slight bitterness, he told himself that he must try to relax more. He got out hi sonic screwdriver pressed a button and the amazing device emitted a glow that seemed to light up the entire room.

The Doctor found himself in a storage room. The TARDIS couldn't have picked a better hiding place, there was just enough room for him to breath and slide himself towards the door. He opened it slowly. An enormous burst of what he hoped was music and and a blinding flash of lighting pushed him back into the dark room. He composed himself, took as deep a breath as the tiny room would let him and tried again.


Robyn was sat at the bar with Thom. “ITS PRETTY LOUD IN HERE ISN'T IT?!” she shouted.

Thom was nodding his head to the beat whilst waving over the robotic bartender. “Well six days of the week this place only serves SYNTHAHOL but on Saturdays we get the good stuff, helps with moral.”

The Blue Hell bar was the stuff of dreams back on Earth. When (if) people make it back they find it difficult to go back to the slop that is “Artificial” food, synthesised cubes genetically modified to taste like almost any food imaginable but always crap. To get to Gateway and eat real food and drink real booze was worth the risk of death to some people.

“So when do we get to fly in a ship?” asked Robyn

“We start classes at 0800 sharp. Once you've gone through the basics we give you a blue pass. That allows you to go in the Twos.” said Thom.

“Do I really need to go? I mean I've studied all my Father's notes and tried simulation flights back home. I'm more than qualified to pilot a Four let alone a Two.” she said knowing full well what Thom's response would be.


She knew it.
“So what brought you here?” asked Thom “What with your Father discovering the Food Factory and all I'd have thought someone like you had enough money to last more than a lifetime.”

She hated it when people talked about her Father. It reminded her who she was, the daughter of the famous Robinette Parker, the only person ever to return from a Black hole mission. His near death experience earned him a nice compensation from the Gateway corporation, a few wise investments later and He was set for life.

“I just want to make it on my own, I want people to know me for me not my dad.” she the sighed.

Thom looked at her. “Well you're here now, there's no turning back I guess that's...” he trailed off.

“What's wrong?” asked Robyn

“Who the hell is that?” he said getting up from his seat.

The Doctor had made his was passed the mob of drunken dancers to a computer terminal. Once again he got out his Sonic Screwdriver and was immediately given access to all of Gateways files. “Now let's see if we can't figure out why I'm here.” He started with the history of the station and then proceeded to move on to more secure files when all of a sudden he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Excuse me” Said a voice

He turned around to see what the hand was attached to.

“I'm sorry?” Said The doctor thinking of a reason for his presence.

Thom looked the stranger up and down. It wasn't his attire that puzzled him, it was the fact that no one has ever snuck onto gateway before.

“I don't remember seeing you at the welcoming ceremony this afternoon. Who are you?” he asked.

The Doctor thought quick on his feet. “Er My name is....John Smith. I booked a private passage direct from the Gateway Corporation, won the Lottery you see.” He waited to see what would happen.

Thom paused. “Oh right another Rich Fish? Reception really should have let me know you were here.”

The Doctor felt relieved, John Smith triumphs again he thought.

“Of Course. Anyway whilst walking past I heard the music and thought I'd pop in have a few drinks after my long trip. Although to he honest I'm as sleepy as a sloth who just found a warm cup of Horlicks and some slippers. Could you tell me where the sleeping quarters are?”

Thom showed The Doctor to his room and quickly returned to the bar to where Robyn was still sitting.

“What was that all about?”

“Just some Rich Fish arrived here on private shuttle from GWHQ”

Robyn looked puzzled

“What's with the look?” asked Thom

“I thought I was the only one sent by Gateway.”

Thom paused for a second then laughed.

Robyn had the same puzzled expression on her face.

Thom didn't say a word.

Monday 16 May 2011

Sod it here's my top 5 free mmos.

Here's how I rate the mmos I've reviewed.
5. Digimon battle.
Slow, poorly executed, bad graphics annoying music and just plain Shit. Let's hope the new one is much better.
4. Atlantica online.
Yes I know I never got to play this but its still better than digimon! Visualy stunning, good design interesting battle system. Will do an actual review one day.
3. Fantasy masters.
Quick to learn card game with really good artwork. The only draw back is the limited starter stuff you get. I would have liked to have had more of a choice.
2. Champions online.
Excellent character creation, lots of quests to keep you busy. In some places I felt a bit confined I would like to see more open planned, areas.
1. Phantasy star online.
I'm going to in with the blue burst version as the lack of chat in the original really spoiled it for me. Lots of players who will always help you out. Again lots of quests. And a fantastic game all round. Go out and get this now!!!

So there you have it my first list. Crap I know but It's my opinion so if you don't agree, meh!

Might do some none game stuff soon.
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Sunday 8 May 2011

The Future

Bit of a change i've decided to not do the top 5 mmo list for two reasons; Firstly i have gotten WoW working again and hve been playing that a lot, my plan was to do a full review of molten wow but having work and family life i decided to knock it on the head. Secondly, I'm working on a project with LooseRockets ( he and i are currenly working on...i dunno somthing! i dont want to give too much away right now cuz we literaly thought of it a few days ago, but i can say that its called "Project:Ragnarok", so let me know what you think of that.

Coming up next a certain special type of RPG....pika!!!

Saturday 7 May 2011

MMO - Phantasy Star Online (private servers)

Ok we've all heard of PSO eversince it first came out on the dreamcast. It was the game that started it all, the first proper massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (ok you had Runescape but pso was on a whole new level!)

In 2007 all official servers were shut down. To this day i cant understand why, Sega, Nintendo AND Microsoft all had this game and still they pulled the plug. Great story, graphics were top at the time, gameplay was amazing, ok i could get a bit repetative at times but the more you progressed the more was opened up to you. But alas they decided to end it.

The fans thought otherwise.

Phantasy star online continues to this day via priate servers. One in particular is

The SCHTHACK is he most versatile private server i've seen not only are you able to connect using the pc version but also the dreamcast and gamecube versions too! it also supports PSO: Blue Burst a sequal-ish to the dreamcast game.

Signing up is free and its easy to set up. SO you'll be playing in no time.

There are a few drawbacks which i must point out. Blue Burst on the pc does tend to lag sometimes depending on the ammount of characters on screen. I thought it was my Computer at first but it turns out it is a problem and they are working on it. The other nack is that in the PC version of PSO chatting is next to impossible. The PC version is a japanese game that wasn't released over in the west so it wont recognise the keyboard. Instead you have this stupid talk box thing with pre enterd words and phrases. There are ways around it but I have yet to get one to work.

But thats it nothing else. The Server has a high member count so you wont be stuck looking for people to play with, support is very good with people there to answer all you questions but you can find all you answers in the forum any how. I would reccommend using a Yahoo account to sign up from, I tried with hotmail, gmail and Gmx but i could not get a response, weather this was all a coincidence or not i dont know but yahoo worked for me.

PSO is still alive and I highly recommend digging out you dreamacst or whatever because i cant see it going under anytime soon.

Classic trailer:

Sunday 17 April 2011

MMO - Atlantica Online (sort of...)

This was going to be the point where i review Atlantica Online. Unfortunatly I couldn't because after spending 4 HOURS! Downloading and installing then going through the site signing up i finally clicked on play and i was presented with ANOTHER download screen. It seems in order to play you need a Game manager. In the past with games like Final Fantasy 11 all the online stuff was handled by PlayOnline (God i hated that program!) So i think "Fuck not again" but i wanted to play it to i clicked on it any way. NOTHING. It would connect to download. I tried everything; Wireless connection/LAN connetion, restting the computer and the router. Even tried downloading it from my desktop but still it wouldn't work. I asked around and apparantly a lot of people have had problems downloading this file, and have since moved on to another game. And i'm sorry to say i was one of them.

From what i've seen/read AO is an MMO with turn based combat like Final Fantasy. The games looked good, you could loads of characters to your party and have epic battles. What i also saw was that instead of classes like mage, hunter and rogue you have the choice of differant weapons; sword, mace, bow and even a guitar. How awesome would that have been to charge into battle with 7 or 8 friends and you twat the first ork with a banjo!

But alas its not for me. I might have another go later but untill then i guess its off to find a new game.

Man that looks good!!!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

mmo - fantasy masters

Back to mmos and I'm playing something which at first sounded like the dumbest thing ever, virtual trading card games. I chose to play this because most of the mmos I've played have been 3rd person action quest games, I've never played a virtual card game before (except pokemon).

I mean sure there are magic the gathering games and yugioh games but at least there are real cards. This is entirely online.

Fantasy masters is another mmo that originally started off in Korea that after a few years was translated for the westan market. It's not a very big game, the initial download was only 200mb so don't expect super 3d battles when summoning monsters. I did have i a little problem with the install that it took for
But you know what its not that bad it doesn't try to force ridiculous rules on you the art work on the cards are pretty good and it has a really good tutorial which means you can play from the get go.

There are a lot of downsides to this game though which I'm sad to say. First off the music. Dull dull dull its slow its very repetitive and it just seems rushed.
The graphics aren't much its a card game what do you want? It's got effects for attacks that's pretty much it. As I said before the art on the cards are done well and if it was an actual card game I would go out and start collecting like a maniac!
Gameplay is ok, again its a card game. It plays a lot like magic and pokemon only instead of mana or energy you use land to give your monsters power. It's really simple to play but its not something I've not seen before.

What sucks the most is that when you start up they give you a deck and you can't choose what you get, you don't even get a choice of 3 decks like in most tcgs and if you want to add more cards it will cost you. You earn sp after each game but you need that AND gp to get cards and gp don't come cheap. Another snag is the lack of players I've been on it for a few days now and have seen 3 players at most so I've mainly been playing against the computer but that gets boring quick.
Fantasy masters is an ok game its small so doesn't take much to play but don't expect to be facing off loads of players soon. Maybe more players will join but It's not that well advertised so maybe not.

instead of pictures i found a quick video on youtube:

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Sunday 27 March 2011

Nintendo 3ds try out.

Taking a break from mmo's for a bit as I try out new games and general normal life things.
Whilst in town the other day I saw a Nintendo booth where you can try out the 3ds. I was exited to say the least as I knew that it would be a while before I could actually buy one. Even though £189.99 isn't that bad I don't make enough to get one. Anyway I waited in line and as I entered they had a mini museum dedicated to Nintendo handhelds, from the game and watch collection to the DSI ( I noticed that they didn't have a virtual boy which lead of to believe that Nintendo are trying to forget that piece of crap!).

So finally it was my turn to play the 3ds. There wasnt much left to play as rayman and the likes were taken by other players. So the first game I played was the Sims 2. It was the best console version of the series but playing it in 3d hurt my eyes. I don't know weather it was because it was my first time or what, but whenever my head moved even the slightest my eyes had to re adjust and I got retrain again. I moved to the next game. Super money ball. This game was fun. Just like original but using the 3d have it even more of a challenge. So I would have to say that to get the best out of the 3d element in for the more action based games and ones where there lot of reading to switch the 3d off (a nice feature to have but without it all your left with is a DS.

The menu screen is nice and what in 3d looks really good with your game in the background. The cameras work well, a lot better than most phone cameras. The MII maker is fun but without enough light you will get some less than flattering pictures!

The controls are pretty much identical with the obvious addition of the thumb stick, a sometimes over sensitive analog control, but that way have been the way the assistants calibrated it. It looks weird on a Nintendo handheld but with some of the titles due out this year I can see why it was needed (metal gear?)

My only fear for the 3ds is with the pain I received whilst playing. Nintendo know about this and that is why they have advised playing for no more than 30 minutes! I would suggest that after half an hour just turn the 3d off for a bit. However if this continues to be a problem and people start to complain them we could see a repeat of the virtual boy. But I certainly hope not.
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Sunday 20 March 2011

MMO - Digimon battle.

Oh god this game is bad! Digimon battle was originally an mmo from Korea and at the time I remember trying really hard to get this thing to work. But with the inability to read Korean and the massive download size of 350mb! I gave up.

Years later I find that it has finally been translated and available to play for free. And holy Shit was it worth it? No!!

The game is set during the 3rd series of the digimon anime (tamers) . So already this game is out of date. YOu get the choice of the 3 main characters with the ability to customize your appearance later on.
As you can tell by the screenshots. The graphics are poor. Considering this game came out in 2002 it looks like PSX graphics ok maybe a little smoother but not much!. Not somthing i would expect from bandai.

The battles work as you would expect from a digimon game. At the start you can pick between growlmon, terriamon and the bunny one I can't remember. You then wonder round the digital world and fight digimon in turn based battles with some of the worst music I've heard in years. The graphics throughout to game look incredibly dated at first I thought I was playing a fan made game.

Now I know that this game is pretty old and that I shouldn't expect it rt stand up to todays standards. But come on, even when this game was new it was crap. I really don't know why they even bothered to translate it. And if they went to all to trouble of doing that why not try and update the graphics? The sounds are annoying, the game is incredibly slow in places and trying capture new digimon is next to impossible. Should you ever want to torture yourself with this here is the link:
The saddest thing is. This is the closest we are going to get to a pokemon mmo.

A new digimon mmo is in The works and is due to be released some time this year. From the look of it, it already looks a Hell of a lot better tin this piece of Shit. Avoid it.
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Sunday 13 March 2011

MMO - Champions Online Free for All

Ok its pretty old i know but not so long ago they released a free version so here it is.

Not much to say really. You are a hero in Fill-in-the-blank City and your job is to protect the people. Simple. There is a JLA clone lead by some super douche called Defender who are ready to give you adie and advance the plot.
What is good is how you get a Nemesis and this arch enemy is determind on what you do in the game, these range from gangster style villians to hyper alien death machines.

Character Creation:

Champions online has one of the best character creation systems i've seen so far. Unlike games like WoW where you can alter your characters beard, Champions Online allows you to increase mussle size, face structure, giving you the ability to create any hero you desire.
Now obviously you can make a perfect Spiderman or Superman but you can come very close. The full version allows you to combine any powers to fit your own style hero, where as in the free version you can only select a few base heroes but can still have some fun with it. I was able to create an almost perfect Daredevil (i could only get one "D" on his outfit XD). YOu do get a lot to choose from already but if you have the cash spare you can purchase more from the game's shop.

The thing about mmorpgs is that the gameplay is pretty much the same. Althought with Champions you do get the abiliity to travel round the city like your hero should (Fly, Super-Speed, Leaping tall buildings in a single bound etc) although the free version doesn't allow my personal favorite; the rope swing, that would have been awesome!!!! Quests see generic i've not played it enough to do any major event quests but the ones i did were just your basic "take this tho him"or "rescue 7 people" there are lots of mini quests which when completed raise your star points, these allow you to be more active and health regenerates quicker, you get a maximum of 5 stars and the more baddies you defeat the quicker you gain back stars, I was on a mission where i was miles away from a shop i had dick all items and i died A LOT this meant that my stars were really low which meant that i wasn't as good as i should have been (alright i was crap!). an annoying system i know but it did make me think twice before running in to battle.

Everything else:
Not really much else to say, i've never reviewed a mmorpg before (well i've never reviewed a game before!) there are a lot of powers and skills to learn (Science, Arcaine etc) if you are able to take the time you can create a pretty good character.

Good game the free version does have its limitations of course but being a fan of all things super heroic i did enjoy the creation aspect. missions were weird at one point i went from fighting off an alien horde to stalking a mugger. a good superhero brawl complete with whams and kapows camp villians and damsels in distress to really put you in the comic book world.

Right 1 down few to go. Sorry it took so long but i've been busy. but i will do another one.

Next Week: Digimon Battle! (oh god!)

Sunday 27 February 2011

The Search for Freebies - MMO Private Servers

I've always wanted to play MMO's ever since i first saw runescape many years ago (I did try RS but the graphics and the fact that i didn't know jack about online roleplay put me off, I might try again.) It just seemed like a really good idea, playing with actual people who could think for themselves and talk about where to go and what to do and generally playing the game. When Square announced Final Fantasy 11 i was gob smacked. An entire world to explore full of weird creatures and amazing adventure. A virtual world where i could be anyone, do anything and just have fun.....

FOR £8 A MONTH!!!!!!!

Ok it's not a lot of money but i was just a kid back then and the only cash i got was from my IT course (payed work exp, not much!), i didn't get pocket money so i had to beg my dad to pay for it. As it happens i spent all summer playing it so i was able to get as far as i could be arsed before the trial ended (also my laptop broke.)

But the point i was trying to make was that i really hated the fact that i had to pay to play a game that i had already payed for.

Cut to years later and World of Warcraft completely changed the way we view MMO's, 12 Million people play this thing it must be good, I'm going to go play it right no-...oh shit you still have to subscribe.

So i'm searching for new games to play when the words "private server" came up. Now unlike most things on the internet with the word private in it it wasn't porn but infact a way for people to play online games with out subscribing.

Most of the time it involves playing a specific version of the game and making a few changes to some reg files. There were thousands of sites all saying how shit hot they were "Come and join us get free gold", "Come and join us and get to Level 80 in a minute!", " Come and join us and a hot naked chick will dance around you as you play!!!" Eventualy i came across Molten WOW ( They have 4 servers each designed for differant players weather you like completing quests and gaining levels or pwning noobs and tea bagging. They also have a point system where you can get items and other cool stuff, you can obtain points by donating to the site or voting for it. They have a really good community aswell if you are stuck the forum will either have the solution or someone will help you there are hundreds of guilds to join and they even have there own events in the game. I highly recommend joining if you want to play wow but either don't have the cash or just want to play longer than the trial.

Anyway I quickly joined up and after spending 3 days downloading WoW (from the official site before you all shout "THIEF") I was in. I created my character and set out in a new world of adventure. I completed a few quests and was getting the hang of it when someone challenged me to a duel and i thought "Ah yes, come, let us test our strength it the field of battle good sir!"...He one-hit-killed me and then began tea bagging me. That was my only duel. But it taught me an important lesson about free gaming. Its full of twats. Yes there are people who play it seriously and will help rather than hinder but there are also those who would point and laugh when you ask for help. My advice stay out of the chatbox until you jion a guild other wise you'll get nothing but flame wars and cock jokes.

A few days ago my computer had a massive virus and i lost everything, including WoW. I want to play it again but just dont want to wait the week or so it would take to download, i could go out out and by it but hey this is the search for freebies! i have a few mates who have the cd's so one day i'll play again.

Until then stay tuned as i go about searching for a Wow substitute, over the next few weeks i'll be reviewing some free MMO's and in the end i'll give you my top 5.


Saturday 29 January 2011

things to come.

I'm now toying white idea of doing video reviews. There is just two minor drawbacks. 1 I don't have a web cam and 2 I'm ugly as sin. SO I might be doing a weird toony thing. STay tuned.
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Wednesday 12 January 2011

Risen from the Ashes!!

Many years ago I thought that if i painted up an old gameboy i could sell it on ebay for a fair amount (I know stupid idea). Anyway i asked on freecycle if anyone had anything that i could mod into something cool(ish). After a few days of nothing i got an email from a lady who was cleaning out her loft and found an old, broken original gameboy. After meeting up and getting the Gameboy I went home to see if i could fix it.


It was a brick.

Fastforward to a couple ago, my son, Connor has starred to play with my consoles. I cringe at first but its cool, i know that he's more important :D.

Anyway he's got the GB ( since its broke i figured what the hell) He's pushing buttons and shaking it then chucks it on the floor. He then has a bit to eat ,some fruit, takes the tub and pours the juice ALL OVER THE GAMEBOY. Literally the whole thing was soaking. So i clean it up and put it on the radiator to dry.

I forget it.

HOURS later I pick it up, its hot!, my wife Emma was concerned that melted plastic could be dangerous to Connor so i put it up out of the way. Later on connor is playing with my Neo Geo Pocket and wants it turned on, I plug it in and he plays with i for 2 seconds before wanting the GB back.

Out of shear curiosity. I plugged the Gameboy in.


Apart from a few lines on the screen this thing was perfect. My son, my 15 month old son is a GENIUS!!!!!

You dont need technical know how to fix stuff. Just fruit juice and a radiator.

I love my son :D

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Epic Mickey (Nintendo Wii)

Mickey Mouse. Corperate icon for the Disney Company since 1928 and all round cheerful cheeky chappy. Not exactly the first thing that prings to mind when you think "Dark" but in Epic Mickey for the Wii you can clearly see another side to the Disney coin.

Epic Mickey sees us once again take on the role of of the classic character as he finds a portal to a mirror universe and spies The Sorcerer (from Fantasia) putting the final touches to a beautiful world he has created for all the forgotton Disney characters to live in. Mickey waits for the Sorcerer to leave and then decideds to have a go himself, he picks up a magic paint brush and tries to paint himself, unfortunatly the mickey shapped blob turns into a monster and tries to eat him. Mickey quickly grabs some paint thinner and defeats the Blot monster. He tries to fix the damage done to the Sorcerer's world and quickley leaves. Time goes by and we see quick montage of mickeys career from Steamboat Willie to Fantasia untill one night the creature from before kidnaps Mickey in his sleep. He awakes to find himself strapped to a table in the Mad Scientists lab. It is here where the game begins.

First impressions.
When i first saw screens for this game i was gob smacked. Finaly a deceant Mickey game. Not since the mid nineties and Mickey Mania has a Disney game looked so good. The darkness of the levels, the music, the chearcter design. It just thats where the name came from! :D) I knew I had to play it!

The basis of the game is that Mickey is trapped in wasteland armed with only his wits and the magic paintbrush. With the brush you are able to use two type of attack; Paint thinner, which you can use to kill enemies and melt walls, and Paint which you can use to turn the baddies into goodies and also fix the stuff you just destroyed with the thinner. Now i know that sounds a bit stupid but there ares time when you need to use both to progress through the game using thinner to get past obstacles and paint to create platforms. The game is a third person platformer so the controls are easy to learn, the nunchuck controls your movements and by pressing the Z button you can spray paint thinner everywhere and the wii-mote lets you jump and spray Paint everywhere (think Jet Set Radio meets Mario Sunshine). Apart from the paint the controls are pretty much the same to Mario Galaxy your attack is exactly the same, shake the wii-mote and Mickey will spin into the enemies knocking them back. The only downside is the cammera, you'd think after 15 or so years of the 3d platformer they'd have finaly cracked a decent control for the camera but no, i found i was having to edge it nearly all the time because i was either missing jumps or not being able to see where i was going.

Beautiful. The way Wasteland is designed is to look like a dark and twisted Disney World, a kind of post-apaocolyptic theme park. Mickey is back to his original look as he was in his early cartoons there a a few cameos of characters each looking spectacular. The fluidness (is that a word?) of the paint works well, effects in the levels such as fire dont look to crap. The cutscenes, unlike the intro are not FMV but instead they've gone for the animated book style like Sonic and the Secret Rings, but that didnt bother me, its just a great looking game.

Not much to say about the music really. Its Disney so its very Fantasia-esc and quite dark but there are times when it really blends into the background almost to the point where i forgot it was there at all.

Its a good game, Its fun, its dark. The side levels where you travel between lands are 2d platformers set in differant cartoons. Which is awesome (i know i proberbly should have put that in gameplay but i forgot and cant be arsed!). Playing it took me right back to Mickey Mania and Castle/World of Illusion.

Ok the camera did make me want to scream a bit after it caused me to die countless times, and
once I realised what it had in common with mario with the controls it did feel a bit un-original. Sometimes i found i was running out of paint while trying to get past a certain puzzle and i had to go a long way to get more.

Mickey is back and better than ever showing us that just because he's Disney's mascot doesnt mean he cant kick ass. But is it Epic? No not really. I mean its fun to play and the graphics
are stunning but with its Mario-ish Controls and dodgy cameras you realise that its just another platformer. I wouldn't run out and buy it now, rather i'd wait till the price goes down or get it 2nd hand.

Beautiful, well designed. Yet unoriginal.

Hey first review done!!!!
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Monday 3 January 2011

Pokemon black: a brief summery

Ok I'm not going to bore you with another review of a pokemon game. They are all the same;

"You are a kid, you get a pokemon, you fight gym leaders, beat team fill in the blank, beat the champion..." blah blah.
So I'm just going to tell you about after that. What is there to do next?


Seriously there is no extra quest, no other region to explore, nothing. You are asked to track down 6 sages who give you stuff and there are pokemon from other games you can catch. And that's it.

In soul silver you basically had an extra game to play. Nintendo have taken a step back with this generation. At least in fire red there were some islands to go to. They have focused the entire replay factor of this game on people willing to sync there game to a website where you enter "the dream world" full of annoying mini games and stupid music. And its not like you have a choice because there are pokemon that are only available on this site. I know its a bit unlikely in this day and age but what if you don't have access to the net?

Pokemon black and white are good games. Nintendo put a lot of efforts into there characters and the 3d battles are ok. Yes some of the pokemon look like they were ripped from a fakemon site but after a decade of making up there little monsters you can forgive them for running out of ideas. I just think it would have been a lot better if they gave up something to do after the main game. Maybe they will give us something via WiFi? Who knows?
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