Monday 16 May 2011

Sod it here's my top 5 free mmos.

Here's how I rate the mmos I've reviewed.
5. Digimon battle.
Slow, poorly executed, bad graphics annoying music and just plain Shit. Let's hope the new one is much better.
4. Atlantica online.
Yes I know I never got to play this but its still better than digimon! Visualy stunning, good design interesting battle system. Will do an actual review one day.
3. Fantasy masters.
Quick to learn card game with really good artwork. The only draw back is the limited starter stuff you get. I would have liked to have had more of a choice.
2. Champions online.
Excellent character creation, lots of quests to keep you busy. In some places I felt a bit confined I would like to see more open planned, areas.
1. Phantasy star online.
I'm going to in with the blue burst version as the lack of chat in the original really spoiled it for me. Lots of players who will always help you out. Again lots of quests. And a fantastic game all round. Go out and get this now!!!

So there you have it my first list. Crap I know but It's my opinion so if you don't agree, meh!

Might do some none game stuff soon.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

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