Saturday 7 May 2011

MMO - Phantasy Star Online (private servers)

Ok we've all heard of PSO eversince it first came out on the dreamcast. It was the game that started it all, the first proper massive multiplayer online roleplaying game (ok you had Runescape but pso was on a whole new level!)

In 2007 all official servers were shut down. To this day i cant understand why, Sega, Nintendo AND Microsoft all had this game and still they pulled the plug. Great story, graphics were top at the time, gameplay was amazing, ok i could get a bit repetative at times but the more you progressed the more was opened up to you. But alas they decided to end it.

The fans thought otherwise.

Phantasy star online continues to this day via priate servers. One in particular is

The SCHTHACK is he most versatile private server i've seen not only are you able to connect using the pc version but also the dreamcast and gamecube versions too! it also supports PSO: Blue Burst a sequal-ish to the dreamcast game.

Signing up is free and its easy to set up. SO you'll be playing in no time.

There are a few drawbacks which i must point out. Blue Burst on the pc does tend to lag sometimes depending on the ammount of characters on screen. I thought it was my Computer at first but it turns out it is a problem and they are working on it. The other nack is that in the PC version of PSO chatting is next to impossible. The PC version is a japanese game that wasn't released over in the west so it wont recognise the keyboard. Instead you have this stupid talk box thing with pre enterd words and phrases. There are ways around it but I have yet to get one to work.

But thats it nothing else. The Server has a high member count so you wont be stuck looking for people to play with, support is very good with people there to answer all you questions but you can find all you answers in the forum any how. I would reccommend using a Yahoo account to sign up from, I tried with hotmail, gmail and Gmx but i could not get a response, weather this was all a coincidence or not i dont know but yahoo worked for me.

PSO is still alive and I highly recommend digging out you dreamacst or whatever because i cant see it going under anytime soon.

Classic trailer:

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