Tuesday 12 April 2011

mmo - fantasy masters

Back to mmos and I'm playing something which at first sounded like the dumbest thing ever, virtual trading card games. I chose to play this because most of the mmos I've played have been 3rd person action quest games, I've never played a virtual card game before (except pokemon).

I mean sure there are magic the gathering games and yugioh games but at least there are real cards. This is entirely online.

Fantasy masters is another mmo that originally started off in Korea that after a few years was translated for the westan market. It's not a very big game, the initial download was only 200mb so don't expect super 3d battles when summoning monsters. I did have i a little problem with the install that it took for
But you know what its not that bad it doesn't try to force ridiculous rules on you the art work on the cards are pretty good and it has a really good tutorial which means you can play from the get go.

There are a lot of downsides to this game though which I'm sad to say. First off the music. Dull dull dull its slow its very repetitive and it just seems rushed.
The graphics aren't much its a card game what do you want? It's got effects for attacks that's pretty much it. As I said before the art on the cards are done well and if it was an actual card game I would go out and start collecting like a maniac!
Gameplay is ok, again its a card game. It plays a lot like magic and pokemon only instead of mana or energy you use land to give your monsters power. It's really simple to play but its not something I've not seen before.

What sucks the most is that when you start up they give you a deck and you can't choose what you get, you don't even get a choice of 3 decks like in most tcgs and if you want to add more cards it will cost you. You earn sp after each game but you need that AND gp to get cards and gp don't come cheap. Another snag is the lack of players I've been on it for a few days now and have seen 3 players at most so I've mainly been playing against the computer but that gets boring quick.
Fantasy masters is an ok game its small so doesn't take much to play but don't expect to be facing off loads of players soon. Maybe more players will join but It's not that well advertised so maybe not.

instead of pictures i found a quick video on youtube:

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