Tuesday 17 May 2011

Doctor Who - Blue Horizon Chapter 1

A While back I'd thought I'd have a go at writing some Doctor Who fan fiction. I wanted to do something different so i decided to choose the Rowan Atkinson Doctor from the comic relief special "Curse of Fatal Death". I wanted to see what it would have been like had the bbc chosen to make a series out of it so here it is. I kinda wrote the doctor as he was in the special but with added black adder wit (i hope so anyway). Heres the first chapter i dont know when i'll update it depends what people think and if i get time. Its a work in progress so be kind when reading/commenting.

Doctor Who
Blue Horizon

The Doctor sat in his chair reading his 900 year diary. Sitting in his TARDIS He looked over his lives with a smile. The adventure never seemed to stop, it was only recently that he was thought to be living his last regeneration, it was his first time as a woman. It was however a mistake on The Dalek's part. The blast from the ray should have killed him instead it sent his DNA into flux shifting through different bodies and personalities finally ending up as a tall blonde with a posh accent and a strange obsession with the 3rd setting on the sonic screwdriver. She then spent the next three weeks getting use to her new self when all of a sudden She switched back to his original form, Right in the middle of Suffragette movement in the late 1900's as well, that wasn't a pleasant afternoon at all. And to top it all off his assistant/no longer fiancé Emma decided to stay behind.

And so the Doctor, now back in his original form with his dark purple jacket, his patchwork shirt, his long neckerchief and a mole that looked like it had been out there on purpose, set off to discover new adventures through time.


“Hey there new fish!” said a rather tall man with blonde hair and 20th century style pilot sunglasses as the group of fresh prospectors stepped of the transport ship. “Welcome to Gateway, the fastest way to make yourself a small fortune and become famous... or die.” He had said that line hundreds of times, it allowed him to spot the wusses from the weirdos. Everyone on Gateway was considered weird to some degree, Why else would they spend every last penny they had to come to a place in the middle of deep space abandoned by its creators with every piece of shiny technology still in its proper place.

The man continued his introduction “My name is Thom and I'll be your trainer for the first few days on Gateway, I'll be showing you the ropes and making sure you know what your doing before you begin prospecting. Any questions?” no one ever asked questions he just threw it in to sound polite. He was about to start the tour when someone at the back raised there hand. “Er...Yes?” said Thom

A young woman came to the front of the group “Which direction is the Blue Hell bar?” she said. Thom looked through his roster to find her name, he smiled. “Ah your Robyn Parker I presume?”.

“Why Yes,” Said Robyn “How did you know?”

“I knew your father.” answers Thom. He then paused. Then changed the subject completely.

“Fantastic Idea! We still have nine hours before your first class begins.” he said jumping back into character “What better place to begin your new life on Gateway than the Blue Hell Bar? You'll be spending a lot of time here when your not on missions.” Thom then walked off telling the group to follow.

The TARDIS' engines grinned to a halt, the once booming noise slowed down to a quiet hum.

“Now lets see where you've taken me now, eh girl?” said The Doctor. He looked at the display.

“2150? Why have you brought me here?” he looked at the location “Gateway? Why does that name sound familiar?”

He rattled his brain for a few minutes and then decided to go out anyway on the grounds that I would probably come back to him soon. He approached the TARDIS door and paused to make sure he had everything; Coat, check. Packet of Jelly Babies, check. Sonic screwdriver, check. “Oh for Heavens sake, Let's just get on with it.” he said and opened the door.

It was pitch black. The only source of light was coming from the top of the TARDIS, and that didn't help much.

“Oh Goody! You have the means to transport me anywhere in time and space and you pick the darkest place in the known universe to park!” He paused again, he'd been a bit tetchy these last few nights. The lack of sleep and loss of his fiancĂ© left him with a slight bitterness, he told himself that he must try to relax more. He got out hi sonic screwdriver pressed a button and the amazing device emitted a glow that seemed to light up the entire room.

The Doctor found himself in a storage room. The TARDIS couldn't have picked a better hiding place, there was just enough room for him to breath and slide himself towards the door. He opened it slowly. An enormous burst of what he hoped was music and and a blinding flash of lighting pushed him back into the dark room. He composed himself, took as deep a breath as the tiny room would let him and tried again.


Robyn was sat at the bar with Thom. “ITS PRETTY LOUD IN HERE ISN'T IT?!” she shouted.

Thom was nodding his head to the beat whilst waving over the robotic bartender. “Well six days of the week this place only serves SYNTHAHOL but on Saturdays we get the good stuff, helps with moral.”

The Blue Hell bar was the stuff of dreams back on Earth. When (if) people make it back they find it difficult to go back to the slop that is “Artificial” food, synthesised cubes genetically modified to taste like almost any food imaginable but always crap. To get to Gateway and eat real food and drink real booze was worth the risk of death to some people.

“So when do we get to fly in a ship?” asked Robyn

“We start classes at 0800 sharp. Once you've gone through the basics we give you a blue pass. That allows you to go in the Twos.” said Thom.

“Do I really need to go? I mean I've studied all my Father's notes and tried simulation flights back home. I'm more than qualified to pilot a Four let alone a Two.” she said knowing full well what Thom's response would be.


She knew it.
“So what brought you here?” asked Thom “What with your Father discovering the Food Factory and all I'd have thought someone like you had enough money to last more than a lifetime.”

She hated it when people talked about her Father. It reminded her who she was, the daughter of the famous Robinette Parker, the only person ever to return from a Black hole mission. His near death experience earned him a nice compensation from the Gateway corporation, a few wise investments later and He was set for life.

“I just want to make it on my own, I want people to know me for me not my dad.” she the sighed.

Thom looked at her. “Well you're here now, there's no turning back I guess that's...” he trailed off.

“What's wrong?” asked Robyn

“Who the hell is that?” he said getting up from his seat.

The Doctor had made his was passed the mob of drunken dancers to a computer terminal. Once again he got out his Sonic Screwdriver and was immediately given access to all of Gateways files. “Now let's see if we can't figure out why I'm here.” He started with the history of the station and then proceeded to move on to more secure files when all of a sudden he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Excuse me” Said a voice

He turned around to see what the hand was attached to.

“I'm sorry?” Said The doctor thinking of a reason for his presence.

Thom looked the stranger up and down. It wasn't his attire that puzzled him, it was the fact that no one has ever snuck onto gateway before.

“I don't remember seeing you at the welcoming ceremony this afternoon. Who are you?” he asked.

The Doctor thought quick on his feet. “Er My name is....John Smith. I booked a private passage direct from the Gateway Corporation, won the Lottery you see.” He waited to see what would happen.

Thom paused. “Oh right another Rich Fish? Reception really should have let me know you were here.”

The Doctor felt relieved, John Smith triumphs again he thought.

“Of Course. Anyway whilst walking past I heard the music and thought I'd pop in have a few drinks after my long trip. Although to he honest I'm as sleepy as a sloth who just found a warm cup of Horlicks and some slippers. Could you tell me where the sleeping quarters are?”

Thom showed The Doctor to his room and quickly returned to the bar to where Robyn was still sitting.

“What was that all about?”

“Just some Rich Fish arrived here on private shuttle from GWHQ”

Robyn looked puzzled

“What's with the look?” asked Thom

“I thought I was the only one sent by Gateway.”

Thom paused for a second then laughed.

Robyn had the same puzzled expression on her face.

Thom didn't say a word.

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