Wednesday 12 January 2011

Risen from the Ashes!!

Many years ago I thought that if i painted up an old gameboy i could sell it on ebay for a fair amount (I know stupid idea). Anyway i asked on freecycle if anyone had anything that i could mod into something cool(ish). After a few days of nothing i got an email from a lady who was cleaning out her loft and found an old, broken original gameboy. After meeting up and getting the Gameboy I went home to see if i could fix it.


It was a brick.

Fastforward to a couple ago, my son, Connor has starred to play with my consoles. I cringe at first but its cool, i know that he's more important :D.

Anyway he's got the GB ( since its broke i figured what the hell) He's pushing buttons and shaking it then chucks it on the floor. He then has a bit to eat ,some fruit, takes the tub and pours the juice ALL OVER THE GAMEBOY. Literally the whole thing was soaking. So i clean it up and put it on the radiator to dry.

I forget it.

HOURS later I pick it up, its hot!, my wife Emma was concerned that melted plastic could be dangerous to Connor so i put it up out of the way. Later on connor is playing with my Neo Geo Pocket and wants it turned on, I plug it in and he plays with i for 2 seconds before wanting the GB back.

Out of shear curiosity. I plugged the Gameboy in.


Apart from a few lines on the screen this thing was perfect. My son, my 15 month old son is a GENIUS!!!!!

You dont need technical know how to fix stuff. Just fruit juice and a radiator.

I love my son :D

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