Monday 3 January 2011

Pokemon black: a brief summery

Ok I'm not going to bore you with another review of a pokemon game. They are all the same;

"You are a kid, you get a pokemon, you fight gym leaders, beat team fill in the blank, beat the champion..." blah blah.
So I'm just going to tell you about after that. What is there to do next?


Seriously there is no extra quest, no other region to explore, nothing. You are asked to track down 6 sages who give you stuff and there are pokemon from other games you can catch. And that's it.

In soul silver you basically had an extra game to play. Nintendo have taken a step back with this generation. At least in fire red there were some islands to go to. They have focused the entire replay factor of this game on people willing to sync there game to a website where you enter "the dream world" full of annoying mini games and stupid music. And its not like you have a choice because there are pokemon that are only available on this site. I know its a bit unlikely in this day and age but what if you don't have access to the net?

Pokemon black and white are good games. Nintendo put a lot of efforts into there characters and the 3d battles are ok. Yes some of the pokemon look like they were ripped from a fakemon site but after a decade of making up there little monsters you can forgive them for running out of ideas. I just think it would have been a lot better if they gave up something to do after the main game. Maybe they will give us something via WiFi? Who knows?
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