Sunday 20 March 2011

MMO - Digimon battle.

Oh god this game is bad! Digimon battle was originally an mmo from Korea and at the time I remember trying really hard to get this thing to work. But with the inability to read Korean and the massive download size of 350mb! I gave up.

Years later I find that it has finally been translated and available to play for free. And holy Shit was it worth it? No!!

The game is set during the 3rd series of the digimon anime (tamers) . So already this game is out of date. YOu get the choice of the 3 main characters with the ability to customize your appearance later on.
As you can tell by the screenshots. The graphics are poor. Considering this game came out in 2002 it looks like PSX graphics ok maybe a little smoother but not much!. Not somthing i would expect from bandai.

The battles work as you would expect from a digimon game. At the start you can pick between growlmon, terriamon and the bunny one I can't remember. You then wonder round the digital world and fight digimon in turn based battles with some of the worst music I've heard in years. The graphics throughout to game look incredibly dated at first I thought I was playing a fan made game.

Now I know that this game is pretty old and that I shouldn't expect it rt stand up to todays standards. But come on, even when this game was new it was crap. I really don't know why they even bothered to translate it. And if they went to all to trouble of doing that why not try and update the graphics? The sounds are annoying, the game is incredibly slow in places and trying capture new digimon is next to impossible. Should you ever want to torture yourself with this here is the link:
The saddest thing is. This is the closest we are going to get to a pokemon mmo.

A new digimon mmo is in The works and is due to be released some time this year. From the look of it, it already looks a Hell of a lot better tin this piece of Shit. Avoid it.
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