Sunday 27 March 2011

Nintendo 3ds try out.

Taking a break from mmo's for a bit as I try out new games and general normal life things.
Whilst in town the other day I saw a Nintendo booth where you can try out the 3ds. I was exited to say the least as I knew that it would be a while before I could actually buy one. Even though £189.99 isn't that bad I don't make enough to get one. Anyway I waited in line and as I entered they had a mini museum dedicated to Nintendo handhelds, from the game and watch collection to the DSI ( I noticed that they didn't have a virtual boy which lead of to believe that Nintendo are trying to forget that piece of crap!).

So finally it was my turn to play the 3ds. There wasnt much left to play as rayman and the likes were taken by other players. So the first game I played was the Sims 2. It was the best console version of the series but playing it in 3d hurt my eyes. I don't know weather it was because it was my first time or what, but whenever my head moved even the slightest my eyes had to re adjust and I got retrain again. I moved to the next game. Super money ball. This game was fun. Just like original but using the 3d have it even more of a challenge. So I would have to say that to get the best out of the 3d element in for the more action based games and ones where there lot of reading to switch the 3d off (a nice feature to have but without it all your left with is a DS.

The menu screen is nice and what in 3d looks really good with your game in the background. The cameras work well, a lot better than most phone cameras. The MII maker is fun but without enough light you will get some less than flattering pictures!

The controls are pretty much identical with the obvious addition of the thumb stick, a sometimes over sensitive analog control, but that way have been the way the assistants calibrated it. It looks weird on a Nintendo handheld but with some of the titles due out this year I can see why it was needed (metal gear?)

My only fear for the 3ds is with the pain I received whilst playing. Nintendo know about this and that is why they have advised playing for no more than 30 minutes! I would suggest that after half an hour just turn the 3d off for a bit. However if this continues to be a problem and people start to complain them we could see a repeat of the virtual boy. But I certainly hope not.
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