Sunday 27 March 2011

Nintendo 3ds try out.

Taking a break from mmo's for a bit as I try out new games and general normal life things.
Whilst in town the other day I saw a Nintendo booth where you can try out the 3ds. I was exited to say the least as I knew that it would be a while before I could actually buy one. Even though £189.99 isn't that bad I don't make enough to get one. Anyway I waited in line and as I entered they had a mini museum dedicated to Nintendo handhelds, from the game and watch collection to the DSI ( I noticed that they didn't have a virtual boy which lead of to believe that Nintendo are trying to forget that piece of crap!).

So finally it was my turn to play the 3ds. There wasnt much left to play as rayman and the likes were taken by other players. So the first game I played was the Sims 2. It was the best console version of the series but playing it in 3d hurt my eyes. I don't know weather it was because it was my first time or what, but whenever my head moved even the slightest my eyes had to re adjust and I got retrain again. I moved to the next game. Super money ball. This game was fun. Just like original but using the 3d have it even more of a challenge. So I would have to say that to get the best out of the 3d element in for the more action based games and ones where there lot of reading to switch the 3d off (a nice feature to have but without it all your left with is a DS.

The menu screen is nice and what in 3d looks really good with your game in the background. The cameras work well, a lot better than most phone cameras. The MII maker is fun but without enough light you will get some less than flattering pictures!

The controls are pretty much identical with the obvious addition of the thumb stick, a sometimes over sensitive analog control, but that way have been the way the assistants calibrated it. It looks weird on a Nintendo handheld but with some of the titles due out this year I can see why it was needed (metal gear?)

My only fear for the 3ds is with the pain I received whilst playing. Nintendo know about this and that is why they have advised playing for no more than 30 minutes! I would suggest that after half an hour just turn the 3d off for a bit. However if this continues to be a problem and people start to complain them we could see a repeat of the virtual boy. But I certainly hope not.
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Sunday 20 March 2011

MMO - Digimon battle.

Oh god this game is bad! Digimon battle was originally an mmo from Korea and at the time I remember trying really hard to get this thing to work. But with the inability to read Korean and the massive download size of 350mb! I gave up.

Years later I find that it has finally been translated and available to play for free. And holy Shit was it worth it? No!!

The game is set during the 3rd series of the digimon anime (tamers) . So already this game is out of date. YOu get the choice of the 3 main characters with the ability to customize your appearance later on.
As you can tell by the screenshots. The graphics are poor. Considering this game came out in 2002 it looks like PSX graphics ok maybe a little smoother but not much!. Not somthing i would expect from bandai.

The battles work as you would expect from a digimon game. At the start you can pick between growlmon, terriamon and the bunny one I can't remember. You then wonder round the digital world and fight digimon in turn based battles with some of the worst music I've heard in years. The graphics throughout to game look incredibly dated at first I thought I was playing a fan made game.

Now I know that this game is pretty old and that I shouldn't expect it rt stand up to todays standards. But come on, even when this game was new it was crap. I really don't know why they even bothered to translate it. And if they went to all to trouble of doing that why not try and update the graphics? The sounds are annoying, the game is incredibly slow in places and trying capture new digimon is next to impossible. Should you ever want to torture yourself with this here is the link:
The saddest thing is. This is the closest we are going to get to a pokemon mmo.

A new digimon mmo is in The works and is due to be released some time this year. From the look of it, it already looks a Hell of a lot better tin this piece of Shit. Avoid it.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Sunday 13 March 2011

MMO - Champions Online Free for All

Ok its pretty old i know but not so long ago they released a free version so here it is.

Not much to say really. You are a hero in Fill-in-the-blank City and your job is to protect the people. Simple. There is a JLA clone lead by some super douche called Defender who are ready to give you adie and advance the plot.
What is good is how you get a Nemesis and this arch enemy is determind on what you do in the game, these range from gangster style villians to hyper alien death machines.

Character Creation:

Champions online has one of the best character creation systems i've seen so far. Unlike games like WoW where you can alter your characters beard, Champions Online allows you to increase mussle size, face structure, giving you the ability to create any hero you desire.
Now obviously you can make a perfect Spiderman or Superman but you can come very close. The full version allows you to combine any powers to fit your own style hero, where as in the free version you can only select a few base heroes but can still have some fun with it. I was able to create an almost perfect Daredevil (i could only get one "D" on his outfit XD). YOu do get a lot to choose from already but if you have the cash spare you can purchase more from the game's shop.

The thing about mmorpgs is that the gameplay is pretty much the same. Althought with Champions you do get the abiliity to travel round the city like your hero should (Fly, Super-Speed, Leaping tall buildings in a single bound etc) although the free version doesn't allow my personal favorite; the rope swing, that would have been awesome!!!! Quests see generic i've not played it enough to do any major event quests but the ones i did were just your basic "take this tho him"or "rescue 7 people" there are lots of mini quests which when completed raise your star points, these allow you to be more active and health regenerates quicker, you get a maximum of 5 stars and the more baddies you defeat the quicker you gain back stars, I was on a mission where i was miles away from a shop i had dick all items and i died A LOT this meant that my stars were really low which meant that i wasn't as good as i should have been (alright i was crap!). an annoying system i know but it did make me think twice before running in to battle.

Everything else:
Not really much else to say, i've never reviewed a mmorpg before (well i've never reviewed a game before!) there are a lot of powers and skills to learn (Science, Arcaine etc) if you are able to take the time you can create a pretty good character.

Good game the free version does have its limitations of course but being a fan of all things super heroic i did enjoy the creation aspect. missions were weird at one point i went from fighting off an alien horde to stalking a mugger. a good superhero brawl complete with whams and kapows camp villians and damsels in distress to really put you in the comic book world.

Right 1 down few to go. Sorry it took so long but i've been busy. but i will do another one.

Next Week: Digimon Battle! (oh god!)