Friday 22 June 2012

Ultimate Spiderman TAS mini RANT

[The look on parkers face sums it up well]

ok. after listening to the latest ComicBookCast episode (they're awesome go listen!) I decided to check out the new Ultimate Spidey cartoon. They seemed to not like it and i thought i give it a go.

Oh My GOD is this bad. its like someone at marvel watched a bunch of scrubs episodes and thought "DERP i know i'll put in a bunch of random clips for no reason and add a load of cartoony sound effects, what can go wrong?"  well i'll tell you the sound fx are annoying the villians are made to look like idiots and spidey spends all the time talking more bollocks than he should do.


He's breaking the fourth wall all the side characters are wrong, since when did mj want to be a reporter? Arnt May isnt nearly as doding as she is in the comics (ultimate or otherwise), Even Osborne is wrong, he's more caring than he should be.

The only thing i liked about the episode was Stan Lee's cameo as the janitor.

So yeah thats it. thought it sucked. it is Scrubs meets spiderman. and not in a good way.


Ph and if i hear him bang on about being "ULTIMATE" again i might have to break something.

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