Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chronix Comics - Marvel 2099 part 3 Doom 2099

Doctor Doom was by far my favorite character from the Fantastic Four. Sure Marvel's messed around with him a few times but he's always had this..thing about him that makes him so damn interesting.
One of the things about him, for me, was that I never really saw him as a villian. Ok so he's done a few dick moves here and there but at the end of the day, who is Doom? He's a man whos life has been nothing but tradgedy and grief. A ruler who is looking out for his people by attacking those who would harm them first. Sound familur?

[He started off as a douche too. Now everyone loves him. I think its the pants!]
I always felt that if they just gave Doom a chance he could do some real good in the world.
And then this came out...

I know I should save my overall opinions till the end but I'm just coming out with it, I fucking love this book. Doom is without a doubt the most badass charater in the whole of 2099, evern bigger than the Punisher (I'll get to him later).
In 2099 Latveria isnt the nice little eastern european getaway we see in the present. No in 2099 its pretty much owned by Alcamax and has a cyborg named Tiger Wylde in control.

[he looks like that and his parents still named him Tiger. Just asking for trouble that!]
What was once a haven to the jypsy population is now a coperate swet shop. There are a few remaining of Dooms clan/tribe whatever who started a rebelion to take back their home. They are being chased by the cops when all of a sudden...

From out of know where Doctor Doom appears. Thats right he's no desendent or clone or would be doom but the real deal brought forward by some wibbly wobbily timey wimey thing.

He's a little out of it from the time jump and is helped by the jypsies who fill him in on whats happend. Of cousre Doom dosent like this and decides to confront Tiger and get his throne back.
Unfortunatly Doom has no idea what Tiger is caperble of and promtly gets his arse handed to him. Tiger even goes as far as ripping Doom's mask off revealing..

A scarless Doom? Ok so I lied earlier. At this point the only thing we have to prove he is Doom is his word. Sure he believes He is doom but we wont know untill later on and Im not going to spoil it for you as its one of the best parts of the book. Tiger then picks him up and proceeds to fry his face (jeez this guy cant catch a break!)
Doom is picked up by the jypsies who's resident fortune teller named Fortune (worked hard on that one) foresaw the events and says that Doom has an important role to play in things to come. So they set to cure him with there magic ways.

[we have the technology. we can rebuild him..]
So for magic ways read huge freaking techno operating table. Doom too a lot of damage and tells them to leave the scars as a reminder of "the pain" (emo). He is then injected with nano machines which will reconstruct his brain and increas his motor functions. That is if doesnt drive him potty first, Its then that we enter Doom's head and see the conflict going on. It looks like there are two personalites fighting for dominace but is it just a side effect of the nanos?

[smeagle not hurt master YES no YES!! GET THE PRECIOIS!!!]
After a while Doom is up and well. We see his as he is trying on his new armour made from stolen tech. Oh and another thing his armour is made of freaking Adamantium! Doom refuses to have any tests stating that he as been reborn and that every moment counts, he is no longer the man he once was in constant battle with Reed Richards. No Doctor Doom is dead...

So there you go, Doom 2099! This is a book that doesnt like to sit down and wait with a long origin story or huge amounts of exposistion. Doom sets itself up from the begining and by the end of the book we have all the peices set.  Is he the real Victor Von Doom? It doesnt matter by the end of issue 1 he is DOOM and thats all that matters.
As the series goes on we get to learn more about the jypsies and the what they have been up to for the past 100 years. We watch Doom rise to confront his enemies and we also see him travel the world on his quest for power.
Doom 2099 is certainly no villian but at the same time he's not exactaly a hero. He is the man Latveria needs in this time and he will do anything to protect his people.
Go out and buy the first few issues you wont be dissapointed, and if you like that also check out One Nation Under Doom, this story covers every title of the 2099 universe and is epicly good.
Next Time I'll be taking a look at one of the angryest bloke in 2099.

Friday 22 June 2012

Ultimate Spiderman TAS mini RANT

[The look on parkers face sums it up well]

ok. after listening to the latest ComicBookCast episode (they're awesome go listen!) I decided to check out the new Ultimate Spidey cartoon. They seemed to not like it and i thought i give it a go.

Oh My GOD is this bad. its like someone at marvel watched a bunch of scrubs episodes and thought "DERP i know i'll put in a bunch of random clips for no reason and add a load of cartoony sound effects, what can go wrong?"  well i'll tell you the sound fx are annoying the villians are made to look like idiots and spidey spends all the time talking more bollocks than he should do.


He's breaking the fourth wall all the side characters are wrong, since when did mj want to be a reporter? Arnt May isnt nearly as doding as she is in the comics (ultimate or otherwise), Even Osborne is wrong, he's more caring than he should be.

The only thing i liked about the episode was Stan Lee's cameo as the janitor.

So yeah thats it. thought it sucked. it is Scrubs meets spiderman. and not in a good way.


Ph and if i hear him bang on about being "ULTIMATE" again i might have to break something.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Chronix Comics - Marvel 2099 part 2 Spiderman 2099

30 years after amazing fantasy 15 hit the shelves Marvel released the first in their futuristic line, Spiderman 2099!

Writen by the great Peter David and drawn by the equaly great Ric Leonardi Spiderman 2099 if by far my favorite of the 2099 line. Lasting only 44 issues it still managed to make a huge impact on the marvel universe.

Spiderman 2099 (or the S-Man as he is more commonly known about the streets of down town) is really Miguel O'Hara, a genetisist working for Alchemax, one of the biggest corperations in the world. Miguel was working on a project to create the ultimate industrial spy by altering the DNA of someone to give them special abilities. He decided to give the subject the powers of Spiderman feeling that someone with his abilities would make an ideal spy for Alchemax.

For some time Miguel had been questioning the ethics of Alchemax and after witnessing his work being tested on a human which resulted in said subject mutating and eventually dying.

[Quick sombody call Jeff Goldblum!]

This was the last straw and he went off to confront Alchemax CEO Tyler Stone.

Tyler is your typical CEO "villan" like Looten Plunder from Captain Planet.

Anyway, Miguel storms into Tyler's office to have it out. He just walks into proberbly the most powerful man in the city's office and tells him where to stick his job. And Tyler is calm as a cucumber so you know somthing bad is going to happen.

[I told you before Tyler Im not sleeping with you!]

Tyler then tells Mike (He always calls Miguel "Mike" which he hates!) that he is sorry to see him go but he will always have a home at Alchemax. Then he proceeds to tell him that he had spiked Miguel's drink with an encredibly addictive street drug called Rapture.  A drug which only Alchemax can help kick. Miguel is pissed. He cant believe what Tyler had done and then goes home knowing that he will forever be in his clutches.

Its here we are introduced to Lyla, Miguel's Hologram A.I. She looks and sounds like Marilyn Monroe thanks to his old childhood friend Xina (She plays a big role later in the comics but I'm just focusing on the origin for today.) Also Dana , Miguels girlfriend is there waiting for him to return whilst going throu some exersice program with Lyla.

[Lyla - like jarvis, but with boobs]

Miguel comes storming in already feeling the effects of the drug. Dana is worried and goes to comfort him. Miguel is in a right state and lashes out accidently punching Dana. He tells her what happend and she says that he is a smart man and can fix this some how. (Remember that big machine at the begining that just Screamed "plot device"?)

[Dammit I am a Scientist!]

Miguel's brain clicks into gear and he heads back to work. Using the old excuse of burning the midnight oil he makes his way to his lab. He decides to use the machine to re-write his own DNA to that of before the drug was in his system (they did the same thing on Star Trek loads of times).

Unfortunatly Miguel is spotted by his douche of an assistant Aaron Delgado who catches miguel already in the machine. Aaron does a little reprogramming in a bid to turn Miguel into the same blob we saw earlier and activates the Spiderman program. Unfortunatly for Arron the machine goes haywire and explodes taking half the floor with it and changing Miguell forever.

[Bleh Bleh!]

Miguel steps from the machine not realising what has happend. Aaron is hanging for dear life over the edge. Without thinking Miguel leaps over to help him. what Miguel didnt know was that the machine had worked and had given him spider-powers, in the form of talons that stick out from his fingers and toes. In his attempt to save Aaron Miguel in fact digs his talons into Arron's arms and he falls to his death. Scared and with the PublicEye on its way Miguel runs. As if my instint Miguel learns that he can climb walls and shoot organic webbing out his wrists. He crashes into a Thorite Glider who believes him to BE Spiderman a Harbringer of Thor. The Thorite gives Miguel the scraps of his glider to cover himself, the material is spceial in that it helps people ride the updrafts and thus makes a perfect glider. Eventualy Miguel makes it home, all is quiet. He goes to get some clothes but unfortunatly his talons keep ripping his stuff. So he goes for the only thing in the house made of Unstable Molecule Fibre, an old Day of the Dead festival costume with a skull/spider logo on the chest. 

[This old thing? I've had it years!]

Miguel then spends the next few days avoiding everybode till the heats died down. He decides the best course is to just go to Alchamax and see whats what. Tyler is waiting for him. He explains that the security cameras went down after the explosion and that since Aaron's body wasn't found that HE must be spiderman. So Miguel is off the hook (for now...!) He makes Tyler believe that he is taking the cure for Rapture while secretly he is working to take down Alchemax and becomes the Hero of Downtown as Spiderman 2099!

I Love this comic. What i like about it is how differant he is to Parker. Peter was in his teens when he got bit and had to struggle with high school. Here Miguel is in his mid to late 20's and not only that has a job as a genetisist! Peter had to go though the whole uncle Ben death 50 year guilt trip we all know and love. Miguel doesnt. Sure thoughout the run he does learn that with Great power comes great responsibilty but its through overcoming his obstacles. Parker is the witty sometimes annoying loudmouth every villian wants to punch. Miguel is the strong silent type.

His powers are differant, the talons were are great idea as was the organic webbing. Miguel doesnt have a spider sense, instead he has Hyper-vision and can see for miles. This however has the unfortuante side effect of making him sensitive to light so he has to wear tinted lenses, i feel that adds a nice touch, not all his powers are perfect, he has to consentrate to keep his talons in check.

The artwork is great, Ric Leonardi does a fantastic job in depicting the sheare vastness of the city, the bright colours of the upper city and the darkness of down town. Peter David's writing throughout the series to this day makes me wish it was still going.

I highly reccommend this to any fan of cyber-punk, spiderman, peter david, anyone you know what just buy it.

Next time we travel to eastern Europe for a little bit of:

Friday 15 June 2012

Yet another update thing.

Ok. No videos or reviews. Sorry. For those of you who follow me, be it on YouTube or Twitter (hello to the both of you) may remember that I have now reconciled with my wife. Well we are now living together and I am now spending most of my spare time being a father. My work has also improved. I am now a chef. A completely un qualified chef but a chef none the less. I am also going to college to get said qualifications so that will be fun.

Basicly what im trying to say is if I can post I will but I am really starting to get my life back on track and that is the main priority for me atm.


Thursday 24 May 2012

Chronix Comics - Marvel 2099 part 1 Introduction

I consider myself to be a specialist when it comes to collecting comics. I'm not the sort to go for mainstream titles anc collect them by the hundreds. No I tend to go for the Alternate Universes/Timelines, the What Ifs and the Elseworlds (heck i even brought the New Universe!). Over the next few blogs im going to review some of my favorite worlds from within the mutliverse. Starting with my own personnal favorite..
The year is 1992 and Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee begins work on a project with writer/artist John Byrne called "Marvel, World of Tomorrow" in which we see how the Marvel universe has done 100 years into the future. Retitled "Marvel 2099" The series would see various heroes/villians with almost no connection to the present day heroes apart from their names, so dont expect to see Peter Parker's great great grandson spinning any webs around. In this future all the heroes are gone, the Heroic Age as long gone and vast Mega Corperations rule. Welcome to the year 2099! 4 titles kicked off this new world; Spiderman 2099, Punisher 2099 and Doom 2099 were the first released about future versions of well known characters (well execpt maybe Doom but we'll get to him sooner or later [;)] ) the fourth title to be released was Ravage 2099 and original character created by Stan "The Man" himself.
As sales grew more titles were added to the roster such as Xmen 2099, Ghost Rider 2099, Hulk 2099, Fantastic Four 2099, XNation 2099 and a monthly anthology title called 2099 Unlimited. The World of Tomorrow: 2099 was your typical corperate run dystopian future. The "Haves" have and the "Have-Nots" dont. What makes 2099 special for me is the way Marvel showed us both sides of the coin. For example: Spiderman 2099 is set in Nueva York where a futuristic city was built over the big apple (imagin Futurama but gritty) and writer Peter David was really able to depict how life was like with the crime ridden "Downtown" infested with gangs and the sick and dying and the sparkily "Uptown" where the corupt kick back and relax. While at the other end of the map is Hollywood California now its own island after some great disaster is now called "Lotusland" a place where people will pay to dollor (or credit) for entertainment, Holo vids replace movies and again coruption (a lot of that about in the future) and outside this city of entertainment a sort of mad max life style.
Sunday Service: Religion plays a big part in 2099. With an actual God of Thunder protecing us in the present it was only natural that in the future Thorism is the worlds number 1 faith with mainstream religions like Christianty, Judaism etc resorting to playing second fiddle. Cults sprung up over the land with people worshiping the heroes of old. The Knights of Banner are a group of people that believe that the the better and are experimenting with Gamma Rays. Downtown has a Canibal problem thanks to people following The Vulture 2099 and the Spider-ites a new cult who believe Spiderman 2099 is a prohet sent by Thor before his return. To serve and protect: In the future Everything has been privatised the police has been replaced by "The Public Eye" whos main objective is to look after Alchemax (Nueva Yorks "owner"). The Public Eye fly around the city on hover bikes protecting only those who can afford it. Medical cover is a thing of the past. Again, if you have the money your fine you simply pop down to your nearest "Doc-in-the-Box" and your fine, if not then your going in for a world of pain trying to find a black market surgeon in Downtown. So thats pretty much the basics of 2099, I'll go further into the specifics when required. Hope you enjoyed my little introduction. Next time I'm going to take a look at the S-man himself as i revew the first few issues of Spiderman 2099.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Manic expression and Twitter

I know I know I haven't updated in ages. Sorry. A lot of stuff has been going on. Me and my wife are back together and are slowly working things out. Im waiting to hear about a job which is taking forever and is really beginning to piss me off. I need money!
No seriously I'm in debt atm and cannot see a way out of it. I started selling my consoles in order to help pay it off but because work has become slim it just kept from going over. Shit.

On a higher note earlier this month I was asked to join manic expression, its a new website for people who want to share blows/reviews etc. I used to post on in the blog section but due the sites popularity and the high number of bloggers not many people read saw it. Manic expression is all about getting yourself heard and that everyone gets a chance and I'm proud that they invited me to join. I even have my own channel. So be sure to check it out on

Also I'm now on Twitter so if you want to hear about what I had for tea or what pokemon I just caught follow me @ChronixReviews.