Wednesday 29 August 2012

Chronix Comics - Marvel 2099 part 3 Doom 2099

Doctor Doom was by far my favorite character from the Fantastic Four. Sure Marvel's messed around with him a few times but he's always had this..thing about him that makes him so damn interesting.
One of the things about him, for me, was that I never really saw him as a villian. Ok so he's done a few dick moves here and there but at the end of the day, who is Doom? He's a man whos life has been nothing but tradgedy and grief. A ruler who is looking out for his people by attacking those who would harm them first. Sound familur?

[He started off as a douche too. Now everyone loves him. I think its the pants!]
I always felt that if they just gave Doom a chance he could do some real good in the world.
And then this came out...

I know I should save my overall opinions till the end but I'm just coming out with it, I fucking love this book. Doom is without a doubt the most badass charater in the whole of 2099, evern bigger than the Punisher (I'll get to him later).
In 2099 Latveria isnt the nice little eastern european getaway we see in the present. No in 2099 its pretty much owned by Alcamax and has a cyborg named Tiger Wylde in control.

[he looks like that and his parents still named him Tiger. Just asking for trouble that!]
What was once a haven to the jypsy population is now a coperate swet shop. There are a few remaining of Dooms clan/tribe whatever who started a rebelion to take back their home. They are being chased by the cops when all of a sudden...

From out of know where Doctor Doom appears. Thats right he's no desendent or clone or would be doom but the real deal brought forward by some wibbly wobbily timey wimey thing.

He's a little out of it from the time jump and is helped by the jypsies who fill him in on whats happend. Of cousre Doom dosent like this and decides to confront Tiger and get his throne back.
Unfortunatly Doom has no idea what Tiger is caperble of and promtly gets his arse handed to him. Tiger even goes as far as ripping Doom's mask off revealing..

A scarless Doom? Ok so I lied earlier. At this point the only thing we have to prove he is Doom is his word. Sure he believes He is doom but we wont know untill later on and Im not going to spoil it for you as its one of the best parts of the book. Tiger then picks him up and proceeds to fry his face (jeez this guy cant catch a break!)
Doom is picked up by the jypsies who's resident fortune teller named Fortune (worked hard on that one) foresaw the events and says that Doom has an important role to play in things to come. So they set to cure him with there magic ways.

[we have the technology. we can rebuild him..]
So for magic ways read huge freaking techno operating table. Doom too a lot of damage and tells them to leave the scars as a reminder of "the pain" (emo). He is then injected with nano machines which will reconstruct his brain and increas his motor functions. That is if doesnt drive him potty first, Its then that we enter Doom's head and see the conflict going on. It looks like there are two personalites fighting for dominace but is it just a side effect of the nanos?

[smeagle not hurt master YES no YES!! GET THE PRECIOIS!!!]
After a while Doom is up and well. We see his as he is trying on his new armour made from stolen tech. Oh and another thing his armour is made of freaking Adamantium! Doom refuses to have any tests stating that he as been reborn and that every moment counts, he is no longer the man he once was in constant battle with Reed Richards. No Doctor Doom is dead...

So there you go, Doom 2099! This is a book that doesnt like to sit down and wait with a long origin story or huge amounts of exposistion. Doom sets itself up from the begining and by the end of the book we have all the peices set.  Is he the real Victor Von Doom? It doesnt matter by the end of issue 1 he is DOOM and thats all that matters.
As the series goes on we get to learn more about the jypsies and the what they have been up to for the past 100 years. We watch Doom rise to confront his enemies and we also see him travel the world on his quest for power.
Doom 2099 is certainly no villian but at the same time he's not exactaly a hero. He is the man Latveria needs in this time and he will do anything to protect his people.
Go out and buy the first few issues you wont be dissapointed, and if you like that also check out One Nation Under Doom, this story covers every title of the 2099 universe and is epicly good.
Next Time I'll be taking a look at one of the angryest bloke in 2099.