Sunday 11 March 2012

Manic expression and Twitter

I know I know I haven't updated in ages. Sorry. A lot of stuff has been going on. Me and my wife are back together and are slowly working things out. Im waiting to hear about a job which is taking forever and is really beginning to piss me off. I need money!
No seriously I'm in debt atm and cannot see a way out of it. I started selling my consoles in order to help pay it off but because work has become slim it just kept from going over. Shit.

On a higher note earlier this month I was asked to join manic expression, its a new website for people who want to share blows/reviews etc. I used to post on in the blog section but due the sites popularity and the high number of bloggers not many people read saw it. Manic expression is all about getting yourself heard and that everyone gets a chance and I'm proud that they invited me to join. I even have my own channel. So be sure to check it out on

Also I'm now on Twitter so if you want to hear about what I had for tea or what pokemon I just caught follow me @ChronixReviews.