Saturday 31 December 2011

New year dawns..

hope you all had a good christmas/hanuka/quanza/festivus whatever.

Again another apology for lack of updates. this is down to 2 reasons;

First off my laptop melted, literaly. i smelt burning plastic and in the end i had to rip out the dvd drive and hd to get an old sony vaio working and its no where near up to the level my old one was and has little to no ram, so getting anything to run is near impossible.

Secondly and what is most important. My wife and i are now seperated. we had a really rough year due to stress and jobs and my anger problems and she is now living in her own house looking after our son. While i wish and prey every day that we get back together i spend most of my days in a depressed state unable to do anything. Serioulsy i spent 4 days in bed not eating or anything. At one point i was even suicidle but i've gotten past that.

So that why i havent updated in a while. I really miss my wife and son and cant wait for the day that we are reunited as a family.

So what does 2012 hold for ChronixStation? well im hoping to get a room mate in a few weeks. He's more of a geek than i am and is working on a review of his own so Proect Ragnarok is going to get bigger.
Im really adamant that at some point i will get my camera out and actually film an episode instead of mashing clips together. While i know that its not like this is going to be a carear or i'll get on if im going to be an internet reviewer im going to do it properly. I have ideas in my head fo reviews and specials. Im thinking of taking a page from Linkaras book and making my own "history of.." series based on Kamen Rider, we'll see.

So Happy New Year to you all, heres to putting things right and the world not ending in december!
