Monday 10 October 2011

Twisted Metal 2 World Tour - PSX

First review on the playstaion. Sorry for the crap audio im stil getting the hang of it.

Thursday 6 October 2011

National Poetry Day

The Theme is "Games" thought i'd have a go:

the alien soldiers invade
and this i do not lie
no screw attack can save us now
with one hit we do die

no golden rings, our health is low
and not a racoon leaf in sight
no big daddy or master chief
to carry on the fight

we have only one more chance to win
to make them pay there dues
Billy knows the contra code
and has infinate continues

we make our way through smoke and fire
and levels of ice and rain
until finaly it's Dr Wily
and Eggman and mother brain

The battle was long, our fingers did burn
till the rise of the morning sun
when all we saw was Engrish galore
Congraguration You Wun!