Sunday 27 February 2011

The Search for Freebies - MMO Private Servers

I've always wanted to play MMO's ever since i first saw runescape many years ago (I did try RS but the graphics and the fact that i didn't know jack about online roleplay put me off, I might try again.) It just seemed like a really good idea, playing with actual people who could think for themselves and talk about where to go and what to do and generally playing the game. When Square announced Final Fantasy 11 i was gob smacked. An entire world to explore full of weird creatures and amazing adventure. A virtual world where i could be anyone, do anything and just have fun.....

FOR £8 A MONTH!!!!!!!

Ok it's not a lot of money but i was just a kid back then and the only cash i got was from my IT course (payed work exp, not much!), i didn't get pocket money so i had to beg my dad to pay for it. As it happens i spent all summer playing it so i was able to get as far as i could be arsed before the trial ended (also my laptop broke.)

But the point i was trying to make was that i really hated the fact that i had to pay to play a game that i had already payed for.

Cut to years later and World of Warcraft completely changed the way we view MMO's, 12 Million people play this thing it must be good, I'm going to go play it right no-...oh shit you still have to subscribe.

So i'm searching for new games to play when the words "private server" came up. Now unlike most things on the internet with the word private in it it wasn't porn but infact a way for people to play online games with out subscribing.

Most of the time it involves playing a specific version of the game and making a few changes to some reg files. There were thousands of sites all saying how shit hot they were "Come and join us get free gold", "Come and join us and get to Level 80 in a minute!", " Come and join us and a hot naked chick will dance around you as you play!!!" Eventualy i came across Molten WOW ( They have 4 servers each designed for differant players weather you like completing quests and gaining levels or pwning noobs and tea bagging. They also have a point system where you can get items and other cool stuff, you can obtain points by donating to the site or voting for it. They have a really good community aswell if you are stuck the forum will either have the solution or someone will help you there are hundreds of guilds to join and they even have there own events in the game. I highly recommend joining if you want to play wow but either don't have the cash or just want to play longer than the trial.

Anyway I quickly joined up and after spending 3 days downloading WoW (from the official site before you all shout "THIEF") I was in. I created my character and set out in a new world of adventure. I completed a few quests and was getting the hang of it when someone challenged me to a duel and i thought "Ah yes, come, let us test our strength it the field of battle good sir!"...He one-hit-killed me and then began tea bagging me. That was my only duel. But it taught me an important lesson about free gaming. Its full of twats. Yes there are people who play it seriously and will help rather than hinder but there are also those who would point and laugh when you ask for help. My advice stay out of the chatbox until you jion a guild other wise you'll get nothing but flame wars and cock jokes.

A few days ago my computer had a massive virus and i lost everything, including WoW. I want to play it again but just dont want to wait the week or so it would take to download, i could go out out and by it but hey this is the search for freebies! i have a few mates who have the cd's so one day i'll play again.

Until then stay tuned as i go about searching for a Wow substitute, over the next few weeks i'll be reviewing some free MMO's and in the end i'll give you my top 5.
